Friday, February 14, 2020

About Glenn Lyvers

Lyvers is an American writer and editor living in Johnstown, PA. His most recent publication is Harborton, a poetry chapbook from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. His poetry and Fiction have been published internationally, including works in Calliope Nerve, Camroc Press Review, Chronogram, Clockwise Cat, Contrary, Danse Macabre, East Coast Literary Review, Everyday Poets Magazine, Everyday Weirdness, Flutter Poetry Journal, Leaves of Ink, Mad Swirl, Red River Review, San Pedro River Review, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Shoots and Vines, The Blue Hour, The Houston Literary Review, The Legendary, The Stray Branch, Undertow Tanka Review, Verse-Virtual, Wilderness House Literary Review, Word Catalyst Magazine, and elsewhere. Earlier books include Midwest Collection and Burnt Umber (MLM Press), both out of print.
Early on, Lyvers self-published a quirky chapbook, Trinkets, which you can freely have by clicking here.
Lyvers maintains bios at LinkedIn and Poets and Writers Magazine which might occasionally contain information not found on this page.

To date, Lyvers has edited 150+ literary journal issues including:
50 Issues of Three Line Poetry
8 Issues of Tanka Journal
37 Issues of Poetry Quarterly
7 Issues of Jitter (Jitter Press)
13 Issues of Inwood Indiana
62 Issues of Haiku Journal
6 issues of Dual Coast Magazine
15 Issues of 50 Haikus
Lyvers has edited more than 60 books and chapbooks:
A Poverty of Words by Frederick Pollack
An Unwalled City by Genevieve Betts
Before There Were Bones by William G. Davies Jr
Formation by Tammy T. Stone
Near Death / Near Life by Dennis Maulsby
Scudder’s Gorge by Geoffrey Craig
Spy Pond by Ed Meek
The Hurricane by Deborah Guzzi
The Sacred Monotony of Breath by Robert Nordstrom
Body Politic by Rich Murphy
Free Fire Zone by Dennis Maulsby
The Darkroom Poems by Dr. Anna Cates
Waiting for the Light to Change by Scott Ruescher
The Brave Maiden by Geoffrey Craig
Counter Point by Laura Rodley
The Buddha Knot by Michael P. McManus
Bad for the Heart by Howie Good
encircled by John Reinhart
Ephemorphosis by Melodic Rose
The Ten Most Important Questions Of The Twentieth Century by Louis Gallo
Window Left Open by Ayaz Daryl Nielsen
Ashes of Memories by Jen Emmerich
Magical Yogis by Mark Tulin
Why I Love You by Martin Knabe
One Step Ahead by Ken Jones
Things I Can’t Remember to Forget by Carol Lynn Grellas
Souls Cleaner Than Ours by Michael Flanagan
Window Left Open by Ayaz Darly Nielsen
Torpedoes Away by Nicholas D’angelo
Dreams of Somewhere Else by Ken L. Jones
The Everleigh Poems: The Butterflies of the Second City by Elisa Orzac Shoenberger
An August Nightmare by Stephen Dudas
Baggage May Shift by Terez Peipins
Leading the Beast Home
 by Daryl Muranaka
Our Situation by Luther Jett
Poetica de Poetica by Joe Masi
Elemental by Julia Klatt Singer
Still Life, Requiem and an Egg by Marian Willmott
Orphan Haiku by Dennis Herrell
Desert by Lisa Stice
Brief Candles by Bill Rector
Old Friends at a Party by Les Bohem
Catch as Kitsch Can by Rodd Whelpley
Lyrics from the Central Plateau by Tim Gavin
Final Inventory by David Anthony Sam
The White Forest by Joel Van Valin
Pixelated Tears by Kaecey McCormick
On the Jefferson Line by Eve Ott
XXX (THIRTY) by Xavier Pastrano
Drowning at The Pool Party for Lifeguards by Timothy Martin
Until I Couldn’t by Claire Scott
Relic And Myth By Jeanne Julian
You/Wee: Poems From A Father by Sidney Thompson
Blackbird Songs by Katie Sullivan Hughbanks
Socorro Prophesy by E. Doyle-gillespie
Final Arrangements by Mickey J. Corrigan
The Impressionist Painter by Alan Humason
Deep Fahrenheit by Amy Gordon
Driving Around, Looking in Other People’s Windows by Cl Bledsoe
Vinnie by Janet Mccann
The Rock in the Middle of the Road by Edward D. Miller
Dirty Handed Graspings by Ed Ahern
What Worlds and Moons by Peter Schireson
Vaulted Skies by Martina Reisz Newberry

Lyvers currently judges the annual Rebecca Lard Award in poetry, offered by Poetry Quarterly. His own awards include: Wolfson Award, 2009 (2nd Place, fiction); Best Poet Award (2009),  Midwest Literary Magazine; Indiana University Annual Poetry Contest, 2011 (1st Place, poetry); Amy L. Dengler Award, 2017 (1st Place, poetry);  Basho Bash (Haiku) Award, 2017 (1st Place, poetry); Mary Winklebeck Award, 2017 (3rd Place, poetry). Glenn doesn’t list everything here, and certainly not nominations, mentions, etc.
What Lyvers is Reading Now: Lotus Buffet by Rupert Fike, To a Vanished World by Lee Sharkey, Song by Brigit Kelly, No Heroics Please by Raymond Carver, Delights and Shadows by Ted Kooser
Lyvers’ Favorite Books: Going Fast – Fredrick Seidel, The Great Gatsby – F. Scott Fitgerald, The Shawl – Cynthia Ozick, Sailing Alone Around the Room – Billy Collins, Ooga-Booga – Fredrick Seidel, Earlier Poems – Franz Wright
Lyvers’ Favorite Authors include Raymond Carver, John Ashbery, Billy Collins, Fredrick Seidel, Ted Kooser, Elizabeth Bishop.
Glenn Lyvers serves the writing community as the Masthead at Prolific Press Inc. He is the creator of GreenSubmissions, a free submission managing software suite serving a large group of literacy journals online, as seen in Poets and Writers Magazine. He also invented and maintains privately brandable submission managing software (available to purchase online at
Glenn Lyvers (1969-current) was born in Michigan. He has also lived in California, Georgia, Indiana, Virginia and Pennsylvania. He has traveled abroad, both in the Americas and Europe (including some time spent living and studying in Oaxaca, Mexico, near Central America). He speaks English and Spanish. Lyvers attended Indiana University, Robertson School of Government, and Regent University Law School. He has several books in print, including Burnt Umber (MLM, Now Defunct), Midwest Collection, and Harborton (Chapbook). 
His other interests include photography, his beagle, Ellie, and karaoke.
He can be contacted through Prolific Press.